Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Caroline Hits the Big 4-0!!!

Caroline is getting old....40 weeks!!! She had a great 9 month check up last week. She is in the 75th percentile for her height, but 25th for her weight. She's going to be a skinny girl! Her urine test came back great which we were very excited about. She has just started on finger foods and loves Cheerios. She's quite a nut! Earlier I couldn't figure out why she kept crying on the monitor and wouldn't take a nap. I went in to check on her and she was completely naked...not a stitch of clothes and crying her eyes out. She had taken off her dress, socks and diaper. Did I mention it was a poopy diaper and yes, now every thing in her crib has to be washed! It was EVERYWHERE! Mercy!