Thursday, November 19, 2009

23 Months

Can you believe my little baby is 23 months old already? Mercy! She is such a sweetheart constantly giving mushy kisses and sweet hugs. Caroline is still a HUGE daddy's girl. The first thing she asks me EVERY morning is "where's Daddy?" She must ask me 30 times a day where he is. She is cracking us up with things she tells us all the time. Yesterday, she pretended to call every member of the Clary family, our friends down the street. When she got to Fran, she said...."Hey, Frannie. What are you doing? Oh...that sounds like fun!" The other day she told me she wanted some Cici's pizza NOW! She has also put her doll in "time out" and said, "Listen to me. I told you not to push your friends!" Wonder where she heard that??? It's hard to believe in a matter of a few weeks our little "baby" will be 2 and we'll be celebrating Christmas!!!